Missa In Tempore Belli (PaukenMesse) – 15, 16 February 2025

The Missa In Tempore Belli (Mass in Time of War) is Joseph Haydn’s 10th mass and one of his best known. Often referred to as the Paukenmesse because of its prominent use of timpani, this work, composed during the Austrian War following the French Revolution, is deeply marked by an atmosphere of unrest and fear, and its deep feelings of peace.

A legendary work for orchestra, choir and 4 solo voices , Joseph Haydn’s Missa In Tempore Belli marks a new collaboration between the Orchestra and Chœur en Scène, the choir of the Fabrique Opéra Grenoble, on a more classical religious repertoire.

Composed during the war when the Austrian army was in great difficulty and the invasion of the country felt close, Joseph Haydn delivers a score of a different style, troubled and marking a deep anti-war sentiment.


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